This card is on its way right now to my mother. I am so proud of her for going back to school to become a nurse! She is working so hard as always and is an amazing person.... I am so grateful for her.
Here is the inside:
Sometimes we all just need a little reminder... ;)
As it so happens, although I made this card with no challenges in mind, this week as I'm preparing to send it it does happen to go along with a few. Maybe I was catching brain-waves from all the lovely DT folks... Anyway, here they are:
Arty Girlz Butterflies
Dutch Dare Green and Yellow (OK, so we've got some other colors in there too...)Stamp Something 3-D Somethings
Flutterby Wednesday Orange and Yellow
Papers are from My Mind's Eye and Boho Chic Fancy Free.
Thanks for looking...unless you happen to be that case...don't look...just watch the mail! ;)
Smiles and wishes for a bright and happy day,